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CyberTriage 3.10.0

CyberTriage 3.10.0
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What is CyberTriage ?

Cyber Triage is automated Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) software that allows cybersecurity professionals like you to quickly answer intrusion questions related to malware, ransomware, and account takeover.

Host-based data, scoring, advanced analytics, and a recommendation engine ensure your investigations are fast and comprehensive.

CyberTriage offers several key features :

    CyberTriage offers the following key features:

    1. Automated Data Collection:
      • Collects data from Windows, macOS, and Linux systems, both locally and remotely.
    2. Artifact Analysis:
      • Analyzes system artifacts such as files, processes, registry entries, and network connections.
    3. Malware Detection:
      • Identifies malicious files and processes using various detection methods.
    4. Scoring and Prioritization:
      • Assigns risk scores to artifacts to highlight the most critical evidence.
    5. Incident Timeline:
      • Generates timelines of system activity to understand event sequences.
    6. User-Friendly Interface:
      • Simplifies analysis with a graphical user interface.
    7. Integration with Other Tools:
      • Works with SIEM, EDR, and other cybersecurity tools.
    8. Customizable Reporting:
      • Creates detailed, customizable reports in multiple formats.
    9. Remote Incident Response:
      • Enables secure, encrypted remote investigations.
    CyberTriage 3.10 adds several new features
    • Linux System Analysis: Supports common Linux distributions for data collection and analysis, detecting anomalies and malware.
      Domain Controller Log Analysis: Parses Kerberos and NTLM authentication events, scoring for anomalous behaviors and attacks.
      Fuzzy Malware Scanning with ImpHash: Identifies similar malware without uploading file content, using the import table.
      Labels and Excel Reports: Adds labels to artifacts for easier annotation and generates reports in Excel format for better manipulation and sharing.
    CyberTriage 3.10.0
    Download  CyberTriage 3.10.0 
    CyberTriage 3.10.0 [Only for VIP USERS]
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    this tool is for vip users only (contact us)

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